Saturday, October 15, 2005

She's Three!

My little girl just turned 3! I can't believe how fast she's growing up. I just finished baking the cupcakes. Big brother has a flag football game at 9 in the morning, so we'll go there and then rush home to frost the cakes. Her party is at 1:30 in the afternoon. Hope she's rested by then! More like...hope I'm rested by then. The family is all here and all tucked into bed. I do think now it's my turn.

But, I did manage to get some knitting and crocheting in this week. I made legwarmers for a 3 year old Supergirl costume. I was tempted to knit the cape, but opted for some red fleece. It should provide some warmth, and wash up easily as I'm expecting it to become part of the play clothes bin. Maybe I'll knit her costume next year!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sock Therapy

I'm excited! I have one pair of socks done and am halfway through my second pair for the class I'll be teaching next month. It's amazing how knitting socks can feel refreshing. I usually knit on sock yarn, but have opted for worsted weight for my class. The pairs I'm making will be worn as house socks since we don't have carpet in our house. They feel so cushy!

The kids have a playdate this morning...and I'm progressing on the housework. Another refreshing feeling! Hope to relax & knit again this afternoon.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Project Photos

It's been a crazy day! Dentist appointments - don't ask. I don't have much progress to report, so I'm going to post some pictures of various projects I've completed.

Broadripple Socks from Knitty.

Start of Butterfly from Noro.
I decided to use the yarn for Clapotis instead but haven't frogged this piece yet.

My first sweater from Knitty.

This is Ayv wearing the first sweater I made.

Poncho & matching hat for Ayv.

Sock for Ayv - there are two completed. Really.

Socks I made for A.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Constant Circles

It feels as though my socks will never end. The strange thing is that I only started them on Thursday night, got to the heels yesterday, knit a heel, tore it out, knit another heel, tore it out, and knit a third heel, which I settled with. The knitting continues past the heel now, but there is quite a bit of insole to work on. I bet I'll have it done in a couple of days. These are being done using worsted weight yarn and size 5 Addi Turbos. So far, I have only knitted with sock yarn on size 0 Addi Turbos, so it is definitely going faster, but just isn't the same.

Six Feet Under is on in 1/2 an hour. I feel sad thinking I will only have two more Sundays to watch it after tonight. It's the same sad/sickening feeling I got when Sex and the City came to an end. HBO just has a way with producing a great series and cutting it short (in my opinion).

I hope to have remodeling pictures up next weekend. It's a busy time at our house. And to think that school starts in two weeks...yikes!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Almost a stocking!

I have my stocking finished except for weaving in the many ends from my lovely fair isle. It was a lot of fun to make and I enjoyed all who were taking the class with me. My little gal joined me at the shop this morning and did amazingly well. It's great how wonderful she acts when big brother is not around - no competition. She played with her tea set, colored, and even tried to play with yarn and needles of her own. She was proud of that.

It hasn't been so relaxing for hubby. He's tearing out another wall in our kitchen. Hopefully over 1/2 of the kitchen will be done after next weekend. He's getting really motivated to work on it again! And I'm looking forward to normalcy in the main part of my house.

The rest of the afternoon I'm devoting to making puppy chow for our get-together with friends tonight and working on my 2 socks on 2 circulars for the class I'll be teaching in a month. I'm testing my pattern before I post my dates, so I have to get them finished this week and finalize the schedule. Hopefully the little gal will nap next to me on the couch while I work. I love that part!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


I am in knitting mode! I have the next week off of work, so the kids and I will be doing whatever we want (with the exception of our scheduled dentist appointments). I have to finish my stocking to the toe by Saturday, so I will work on it at Knit & Wine tonight. I have a sweater, felted clogs, and felted mittens to finish in the next month. Most are past the halfway point. Then, I need to cast on for my sock class. I need to test the pattern I came up with. I'll pick up the essentials tonight so I can get that underway next week (after my stocking is done).

I had a crazy day yesterday at work, so I am relieved to be at home today. Had breakfast with a friend and some lunchtime conversation with my husband who came home for his lunch hour. I have a few hours before I leave for Knit & Wine, so I'll try to get caught up on some housework. I'm trying to FLY, so I have a 27-Fling Boogie calling my name. Hope Goodwill is open tonight for some books, and other household items I feel like giving away.