Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I checked out the Workspace schedule this fall and knew I wanted to take a class. Glass beads, jewelry, pottery, painting, or henna? Hmmm....henna. It's a different artform, informal, yet semi-formal. It lasts up to a couple of weeks, not a lifetime. That makes it appealing!

Last night was my first class. I learned to mix and apply henna as well as doodle like I did in any other class. In this class it was encouraged! Here is our first attempts at tattooing each other as well as ourselves.

My arm is the 3rd from the left and my artwork was applied to the arm, 2nd from the right. I can't wait to go back tonight and tattoo up my co-workers!!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Ayden has been a booger when it comes to taking pictures and it's rare that I get a session with him. Knowing that today might be the last nice day this year (although I really hope not), I took him outside for some shots. There was another reason I wanted to get his pictures taken sooner than later...the middle school will be going through some extensive changes and I really like the existing exterior. Before they tear it up, I thought I'd preserve it in pictures. Here are a small portion from the session.

I love the old chairs!

Obviously I still like the old chairs...
Levi was tormenting Ayden a bit while I was shooting. These represent the love Ayden has for his father.

He's royalty!
...trying not to laugh.
Definitely a goofball...just like his father. Ayla will attest to that!