Thursday, May 29, 2008

I've been slacking!

On my blog and photos...but not my family and our move. We have landed in our new home! After a bit of drama with renting our moving truck, we finally got it loaded and eventually unloaded this past weekend. The process of putting things away is taking a lot longer than I anticipated. So, if you haven't heard from me, it's not because I'm just sitting on my rump doing nothing...I truly have been swamped. Rest assured, if you're waiting to hear from me, I will be in touch very soon!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Field Trip

Here are some photos I snagged while out with Ayden on his field trip to Living History Farms a week ago. I could go back...there are so many photo ops!

Here is the class...

I received my storyboard of Ayla today. It's so cute! I also placed my order for updated business cards...finally!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Busy week!

With doctor's appointments, early school dismissals, and getting closer to moving time, things are feeling a bit busy around here. This afternoon was relaxing, though. Ayden & Ayv spent some time over with Aaron while Ayla had some alone time with me. We sorted bears, played outside, colored, made a (belated) birthday cake for Levi, and cuddled a bit. I wish more afternoons could be like this!

Ayla let me take pictures of her this afternoon, too!!! Here's a storyboard I am planning to print for myself. I haven't gotten around to printing a 1-year portrait, but I think this one for 19-months (which is today) is great. I just love her crazy expressions.
This is my favorite from the board, I think...

I think the storyboard will hang in her new bedroom. It'd be neat to have one above each girl's bed. Or maybe I'll hang it in the living room because I think it's too cute.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day

We worked hard at the house yesterday so we could make it back to celebrate my Mom's birthday and Mother's Day. All three kids made something for me at school, which is always fun. We went out for brunch this morning, came home to nap and then went to Costco and Target. While outside, I requested a pic and Ayla gladly plopped down under the tree. The other two settled in just in time to snap a few before Ayla lost interest. She jumped up and in her 19-month old manner, demanded I show her the back of the camera. It's funny to me how it's normal for the kids to have instant gratification from digital - not something I remember growing up unless we pulled out the Polaroid. Since she was satisfied when I showed her the images, she was done. Here is what I captured...

Tomorrow I'm hoping for some great photo ops. Ayden's class is going to Living History Farms for a field trip and I get to chaperone. Last year we went with the family when a Canon rep was there, so I checked out great lenses. I don't have that option tomorrow, and my zoom lens is being I'll have to stick to my 50mm 1.8. It's my go-to lens, anyway.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy May Day!

It was an overcast day today, but it was still beautiful. The flowers are blooming and the trees are budding. Ayvarie & I spent some time outdoors taking pics today.

Ayla joined us later......only with this messy face!Hope you had a Happy May Day!