Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ayden's last day at M.S. Elementary

Mrs. W and the rest of the third grade class threw a little going away party for Ayden yesterday. He recieved many handmade cards, balloons, a book, and Cuddles, one of the class teddy bears. It was a rough day for me. His teacher is wonderful and we will both miss her.
Thursday was my last day working for the County. It was bittersweet. To be closer to my family will be wonderful, but I will miss the friends I made and the job I held. It was so rewarding! I was presented with various cards. My office gave me a mini decorated teapot (to add to my collection of teapots) and this cake. I couldn't hold back the tears...
Tomorrow we're heading out and on to new adventures. I start at ISU on Monday and the kids are planning to make new friends at their new school. It will be nice having the whole family together again.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Ayla was digging out all sorts of accessories at G'ma & G'pa's this weekend. The kids loved when Levi would wear this; they could call him a "bonehead" without getting into trouble.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ayla's First Campus Visit

Many of you know and some of you may not yet know, but I have accepted a job with Iowa State University in the Office of Research Assurances. I start there on March 31st, which is approaching quickly. NOTE: This is a part-time job, so I can still focus on my family and establish my photography in the area. Since we were "home" today, I took Levi & Ayla up to see where my office is. Ayden & Ayv didn't have interest in going today even though they were excited about it yesterday. They stayed with G'ma & G'pa while we were out.

Ayla really enjoyed the many sidewalks and just running around outside. It was a gorgeous morning and she made a precious model! I am excited to get the entire family up for a campus photo shoot as there are so many wonderful photographic opportunities there.

I can't believe she's already 17 months old!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's LOST! is! Ayvarie called me at work a week ago to tell me that she had a loose tooth. According to those at daycare, she reacted much like she would have if she met a dog she didn't know. That meant she did not react well - cried almost inconsolably for a while. However, when I picked her up that afternoon, she acted as though it was cool.

Today Ayvarie called me at work again, but this time to tell me she lost her tooth. It really is lost! It was missing when she arrived to daycare and I didn't pay enough attention to her this morning (I know, bad Mom) to notice it was gone. We have scoured the bed and can't locate it, so we're assuming it might be moving through her digestive tract. Needless to say, she is sure that the Tooth Fairy KNOWS when a kid loses a tooth, so she should find money in the morning. I'm sure she's right...

Friday, March 14, 2008

My new niece

Not really, but it's the closest thing I'll get to one in a while (or ever?). This is Ros's new addition, Bling. She's awfully spunky and the kids love her...especially Ayla.