In Full Swing.
The past two weeks feel like a blur. Ayla took a spill and received 3 stitches in her head, we took our annual outing to the Iowa State Fair on the 16th, and school started on the 18th. I'm working on a week with sinus issues now, too. I'm sure it's a nasty cold, but I'm considering the idea that allergies could be to blame. My head, ears, and now chest have been aching all week! Good news for me...I am finally feeling like I have a bit more energy tonight. I haven't slept well the past three nights, but Ayla and I snuggled on the couch this afternoon. That led to an hour and a half nap for me and a nearly 3 hour nap again for her. We are enjoying our afternoons together while her bro & sis are in school. Can you believe Ayv's in Kindergarten now? And Ayden will be starting middle school next year? Sad, really.
Here are a few pics to recap (more to come as I'm working on session edits as well).
Stitches.She would only look at me when I asked her to show me her "pig".
Ayden with one of the robots from BattleBots that was displayed during the show at the Iowa State Fair.
Ayv, too.
Ayv & her friend. It was great to see our good friends again at the Fair!
Random shot from the day.
Last, but not least...the first day of school. Ayv looks so little here. Levi caught the shot that morning. I'm already at work by the time they board the bus. Sure miss seeing them off in the morning, but I'm grateful I can greet them when they come home.
Yes, great minds think alike. Now if we could just get EVERYONE to LISTEN to the great thoughts spilling forth from our bountiful intellect . . .
I see Ayden was showing what he thinks of homework on the first day! lol
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