I'm finally getting around to posting what we did on 08.08.08. Better late than never, right?
Levi had a meeting in Dubuque on the 7th & 8th, so the kids and I went along for the ride. Thursday, the kids & I played in the water at the Grand Harbor Resort. Well, Ayvarie & Ayden did. Ayla was very slow to warm up to the pool and ended up sleeping on me for a couple of the hours we were down there. That night Levi took over while I went out on a photo shoot. I had a LOT of fun! Unfortunately, Levi & the kids had a short-lived visit to the pool as someone pooped in it! Can you believe that? They closed a portion of it, so the slide the kids were frequenting was off-limits. (Growing up, I remember that my aunt had a sign that read, " ool: Notice there is no "p" in it. Please keep it that way." It was sitting next to her hot tub. Too funny!)
Friday, the kids and I took our time getting around...I even painted the girls' toenails. Then, we spent some time riverside while waiting for Levi. It was a beautiful day!!!
Levi finished up and before we left town, we decided to stop at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium. We spent 3 very pleasant hours there. Besides Ayla wanting to be carried because we disrupted her nap, the kids held up great and the museum really kept their interest. I would definitely recommend a stop there if your travel plans include a drive through Dubuque, IA. There's something there for everyone.
Of course I have pictures from our outing that day...
Don't worry, the bonding moment in this picture didn't last. I would hate for you to believe that my kids act like this towards each other all of the time. In actuality, this shot might have been forced upon them. I can't remember for sure...
The Mississippi.
This was taken at the Star Brewery, where we ate lunch. I had the best cod, green beans, and sweet potato fries with chipotle mayo. I'm willing to drive all the way back just for lunch...it was that good.
Pics from the museum...
I can't remember the type of snake this is, but I know it was venomous since "Venom" is on display at the museum right now. This might have been the one that hides under leaves, can even be walked on, and doesn't strike unless threatened.
This is some scary looking guy hanging from the steam engine components of the William M. Black riverboat we toured. The kids thought it was funny finding the "fake" guys.
Oh, and Ayla did make an appearance, though briefly. She was so crabby that she was refusing to have her picture taken. I had to sneak some shots to prove she was with us.
Not sure which of these I like better. My little model told me I should take some of her with her hair blowing in the wind. That probably stemmed from our photography experiment with the hair dryer.
Yeah...another shot of Ayla that turned out! The kids liked looking out from atop the boat. They were captains for a short bit.
These are just a couple snapped along the outdoor walkway. Did I mention it was a gorgeous day?
It's been a nice week overall with the weather. I don't remember it ever being this cool in August - especially for more than a day!