Ayla's First Campus Visit
Many of you know and some of you may not yet know, but I have accepted a job with Iowa State University in the Office of Research Assurances. I start there on March 31st, which is approaching quickly. NOTE: This is a part-time job, so I can still focus on my family and establish my photography in the area. Since we were "home" today, I took Levi & Ayla up to see where my office is. Ayden & Ayv didn't have interest in going today even though they were excited about it yesterday. They stayed with G'ma & G'pa while we were out.
Ayla really enjoyed the many sidewalks and just running around outside. It was a gorgeous morning and she made a precious model! I am excited to get the entire family up for a campus photo shoot as there are so many wonderful photographic opportunities there.

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