More tests...
This afternoon, Ayla & I ran to Des Moines to pick up a light stand and umbrella for my flash. I've had enough of the bracket, so I've been playing with my off-camera flash (aka: OCF) since I got my transmitter and receiver, but needed something to hold it since I intend to use it outdoors and there aren't a lot of bookshelves strategically placed in nature to set it on.
My kids were coerced into being my models (minus Ayvarie who is the neighborhood socialite these days) as soon as we got home. I had every intention of taking pics of Ayden on his birthday, which was Wednesday, but I left home without the necessary accessories. You know, lenses, memory cards....I only had the camera body with me. It's pretty useless without a lens and card. Tonight was a different story. I had everything ready, including the flash. So, Ayden & I went outside so I could play photographer and he could play golf. Meanwhile, Ayla dressed herself (since she completely undressed as soon as we got home - her usual homebound activity) and joined us, too!

I'd better get back to verifying my backups so I can erase some cards for the wedding I'm shooting tomorrow. I really hope the rain holds off until 3ish so we can at least get some outdoor shots of the couple and wedding party.
Sleep tight.
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